Friday, August 22, 2014

Cherub Holy Water Font at St. Peter's Basilica

The sculpture of Cherub Angels holding the Holy Water Font at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, ROME.

          This is one of a pair of beautiful marble fonts for holding holy water and used in baptisms. It is found at the beginning of the central nave. The basin is carved out of amber colored marble and complemented by a graceful drape of gray-black marble. The basin is flanked by a pair of intricately sculpted Baroque cherubs in white marble. It is located in the Basilica of Saint Peter's - Vatican City, Rome.

Cherub Angels overlooking the Baldacchino of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.


  1. There's something so ethereal about the city and it's architecture....loved the shot

    1. Yes Chaitali, each and everything in Vatican city is mesmerizing. Thanks :)

  2. Love the Cherub Angels :)
    Great pic, Amruta :)


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